With few exceptions, services are held each weekend, and on Feast Days throughout the year. An up to date schedule of services can also be viewed here.
Everyone, no matter what your background, is welcomed and heartily encouraged to join us in making God’s service, or to simply attend and observe the ancient Christian Liturgy first served in the Temple in Jerusalem by our heavenly patron the Holy Apostle James, Brother of God, and First Bishop of Jerusalem.

Our parish follows traditional Orthodox Christian liturgical practices while “making God’s service” [Богослужение] in English. Our services trace their beginnings back to the Old Testament, and are a treasury of Scripture readings, prayers, hymns, and canons composed by the Saints and pious Christians throughout the ages.We follow the Russian Typikon (Ustav, or Order of Services), and the Church Calendar (Julian, or “Old Calendar”)
Participation in Christian Community is how we come to know our Faith, Truth, God, ourselves, and others; And Community is how we can become known and loved and prayed for, by both clergy and fellow laymen – just as in a family. By frequent participation we can defeat any propensity for being self-willed and self-guided. Conversely, to remain at arm’s-length is to be self-deceived, and at great risk spiritually.
“that they may be one as We are One” John 17:22
“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism” Eph 4:4-5
Please consider joining us in the communal process of becoming Orthodox together, and growing the True Church family in the true confession of the One True Faith.